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  1. I think you should give them all a bunch of cash, Mamabear. (I'll call in about 10 minutes, ok?)
  2. Had some last night too. A fine taste indeed. I like most beers though. I like buying a few of each and just trying them all.
  3. They could all go to the east Fukushima coast with a sponge and a rusty spanner to do some cleaning up.
  4. There's a "PR race" to be the hottest town 「暑さ日本一のまち」の座をめぐって、猛暑地がPR合戦を繰り広げている。  高知県四万十市で12日、国内の観測史上最高気温となる41度を記録。それまで6年間、40・9度の記録を持っていた埼玉県熊谷市、岐阜県多治見市は、日本一の座を譲った。両市を猛追していた群馬県館林市なども加わって、厳しい暑さと闘いながら、せめてもの遊び心でお互いに地域を売り出そうとしている。  四万十市の国道沿いにある産地直売店にはさっそく、「あつさ日本一」と書かれた看板がお目見え。100円のかき氷を、気温にちなんだ41円で売り始めた。  地元商工会の武内淑(しずか)さん(35)は「全国一の暑さを前向きにとらえ、PRしたい」と力を込める。最高気温を記録した同市西土佐地区は、愛媛県境に近い山間部にある。清流・四万十川が知られる程度だった。  そこに降ってわいた日本一の称号。「暑いぞ」とプリントしたTシャツやタオルを作り、子どものPR隊を結成する案も浮上しているという。  ただ、困った事態も起きている。四万十川特産のアユの漁獲量が落ちたのだ。水温が例年より高く、アユが深場から動かず、浅瀬の漁場からほとんど姿を消してしまった。地元漁協は「このままだとアユ漁は壊滅状態」と気をもんでいる。           ◇  暑
  5. I have given myself some grazed elbows and other parts of my body on some of that traditional Japanese walling before now. Ouch. Not good when drunk
  6. My friend had on the first best of of Utada Hikaru the other day. Really liked some of the songs. Can't think of many Japanese pop I like, but she has done some good songs.
  7. Not sure I understand. It wasn't 1000 yen good, so no... it wasn't 1200 yen good either.
  8. I got that impression from Hokkaidonians too, Tubby. Not in a bad way of course. They just love their northern island.
  9. Anyone else try one of the 1000 yen McDonalds burgers today (or last two Saturdays)? Had the Ruby something-or-other today. It was actually quite nice. Nicer than a normal McDs as you would expect. But it certainly was not worth 1000 yen! The crazy packaging (a firm box that looks more like a cake box, fancy bag) they put the thing in must have made up for a good chunk of the cost. Took a few photos, will post later to show you what it looked like.
  10. Do you want to see the orchestra in the background?!
  11. Not fun when you're not in the gang. The answer is timing, Famiresu, or posh places.
  12. Gala Yuzawa: 5 Ishiuchi Maruyama: 5 Iwappara: 3 Joetsu Kokusai: 2 (+) Kagura: 17 Maiko Snow Resort: 9 Mt Granview: 6 Muikamachi Hakkaisan: 7 Naeba: 11 (-) Yuzawa Kogen: 5
  13. Just watched some of the Glastonbury Rolling Stones. What a mess. Someone tell those guys to pack up now please.
  14. I wish I could do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6NDY8FSr9M
  15. Caught a bit of that. What surprised me was how 'old' (well, in their 20's) quite a few of them were. Some were closing in on 30 even in a few years.
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