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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by C.Frog

  1. Ben, Just wondering if your feature is coming out soon - would love to read it! ------------------ Cheers, C.Frog
  2. I use Docomo and it's great and I usually get reception where friends using AU don't. I got a lot of junk mail at the beginning, but after changing my email address, have never had that problem again. I would never use J-Phone as everyone I know who got one, changed shortly after - no reception...ever! ------------------ Cheers, C.Frog
  3. Excellent! I'll give him a call for all the details and I'm looking forward to your upcoming feature Cheers, C.Frog
  4. Thanks so much, I'll keep checking back!
  5. Thanks Akibun, A friend of mine sent me that link a few days ago knowing I might be interested and I've been trying to find more information about it as it sounds like fun. Haven't been very successful however! I was wondering if anyone on here who lives in the area or has been there knows anything else about it. And qwerty, I hope they are treating them well too! Cheers, C.Frog
  6. Heading up to Hokkaido and will be hiking in the Niseko area. Heard something about trail riding in the half pipe - anyone know about this? Any info would be appreciated. Cheers, C.Frog
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