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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by OzOzOz

  1. Never had any here, although often thought that I should.
  2. My father went on it. He said it was disappointing if anything, not as luxury as he thought it would be. Quite fast too, apparently.
  3. I'm not really into any kind of jewellry, this is a bit mad. I wonder if it hurts at all.
  4. Love that last (real) option in there. The stare. Not that I do it myself mind.
  5. Blimkin ek go away for a few months and come back and feel lost!
  6. Very interesting topic. I had a similar experience, although it was just a normal ningen doc not a gynacology exam. She went to a private doc in the end.
  7. Nope. Maybe if I really wanted to. It would depend.
  8. Have you ever been told by someone that "you just can't understand" because you're a gaijin? Like as if it is beyond explanation? It really annoys me when I get told that, invariable relations cooling and the conversation stopping when I hear it. I was even told that I can't understand chopsticks once. (Not sure what there is to "understand" about chopsticks.....) Any absurd examples from your experience?
  9. Quote: Then again, at least i'm not 50 and reading some T&A manga showing girls getting raped and the like. How can these blokes read this stuff in public without feeling embarrased??????? I don't get that either. They have no shame! Perhaps we "just can't understand".
  10. 2 weeks in Niseko, definitely. Then lots of weekends and 3 days trips
  11. Hey it's almost cool today. Definitely off. Is this summer going to be bearable perhaps?
  12. I don't pay extra for mine, they come in a pack - but they are pretty useless for the most part.
  13. A US console is incompatible with a Japanese console.
  14. 5000 yen Lucky sod. But your Nintendo games won't work on a Japanese console here.
  15. Vanilla Coke - on sale now in your local friendly 7-11. Anyone tried it?
  16. They're attaching a live DVD to the CD, all of the tracks on the album recorded live in the studio - great idea for fans.
  17. Jared and O11 - you crack me up with all this 'oddity', 'perversion' crap. Very entertaining though.
  18. I've tried the Zorb - it was good fun rolling down the hill in there. Theres some that have water in the middle too so you get real wet - feel like you're in a washing machine
  19. I am leaving Japan just in time to miss most of rainy season
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