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Everything posted by ollie

  1. .. in the Winter I snowboard .. Summer I surf and anytime in between I drink a little here and there..
  2. Beckham's new Rod Stewart hair-do.. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/more/news/2002/07/26/games_ceremony/lg_beckham_ap.html [This message has been edited by ollie (edited 28 July 2002).]
  3. yeah G-G, it's fun to be riding the snow again but it does get boring because you just end up practicing carving. it would be sweet if there were an indoor snow-park w/ a half pipe?
  4. I was recently at Kugenuma beach in Fujisawa and I saw some boys and girls sporting tatoos. You can't hide the tats during summer time!
  5. Just got back from SSAWS. It was pretty empty. I was wondering if this is usual for a Friday night? Has anyone else been to SSAWS on a Friday afternoon-night session?
  6. I agree w/ Wizz. I just bought the CD and I think it's a good Oasis album. The melodies are very oasis-ish, which has always been consistent in all their songs. I also liked the last album too. If you're a true fan of the Oasis sound then you'd continue to like their albums. I think some people jumped on the 'band wagon' on their earlier albums and when they stopped making such poppy sounding songs everyone jumped off.
  7. I ski'd for 3 or 4 seasons, but then I tried snowboarding and haven't ski'd since. I was also skateboarding for 3 years until a bad injury forced me to quit, so the transition to snowboarding came easily for me .
  8. my hometown is in the Los Angeles area in California. I was wondering where everone else's was?
  9. for both skiers and boarders recreational, novice, amateur, proffesional, or rate yourself in your own words!!
  10. i past up a chance to go snowboarding this past weekend. i was wondering what i missed?
  11. thanks for the advice. I'll keep those factors in mind before I buy my next board.
  12. thanks Barok... it's sounds so tempting. but my friend talked me out of it. Yeah... Ocean's right I should save my money. Quick question: How often do your recommend changing boards??
  13. Check out this article... http://www.transworldsnowboarding.com/competition/02/4379.html ... there's some good opinions about the half pipe judging
  14. .. yeah, I'm sure there are a whole bunch of unknown, unsigned rippers out there. As there are in all sports...
  15. anyone have any inside connections to some teaching positions(ALT) starting this coming April at a junior or senior high schools in or around the Tokyo area...I've been teaching at an Eikaiwa for over two years now. Any info would be helpful.. thanks
  16. cnn.com has Shaun White on the men's HP roster not JJ Thomas...??
  17. who do you think will take the gold in halfpipe? Do you think S. White will medal?
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