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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mlg

  1. Got a friend who goes to the International University in Yamato/Urasa, Niigata. Went up there 2 weeks ago and he 2 tickets to Urasa ski "resort". Realllllly bad. So small and just a few lifts. Free, but would have preferred to have paid to go to one of the bigger places.
  2. An amazing day at Tashiro Kagura mid February. Snow, weather, lack of crowds - all perfect condition.
  3. Axis of evil Yeah, what an absurd thing for the US president to even think, let alone say.
  4. I just love (not) the way the "Fair and Balanced" Fox Channel still has the US flag waving at the top of all its broadcasts. Until when is that going to continue? It all reeks of "too much" - interested to know of any Americans opinions on this kind of thing.
  5. But didnt the Canadians actually screw up and FALL OVER in their first run?
  6. Can you believe that??? They've gone and given the Canadian pair skaters a gold medal!
  7. I saw a gaijin on the slopes yesterday in Happo-one wearing a big bear hat, big bear hand gloves (about 30cm long paws) and covers over his ski boots that looked like "bear foot paws" (?!). He looked an absolute jerk-off, but he seemed pleased enough with himself anyway......
  8. I would not mind trying out those little skis too....kind of looks like a good mix of skiing and boarding? No?
  9. Hey no need to get all worked up - just thought it might be interesting to hear from people who have say spent 30 days a year for 5 years on the Japanese slopes....I am sure they have lots of good and interesting stories etc.....
  10. I am about to go out for the first time in Japan - new arrival - but many of you people on here seem to be really experienced. How many times (days?) have all of you spent skiing or snowboarding at Japanese resorts in your life? Might make for an interesting read. Cheers all mlg
  11. Just arrived! Have been reading this site - rad! - since summer so a bit prepared to get out there and check it all out. From Oz, living now near Roppongi!
  12. SNOWBOARDER!! Just arrived in Japan, will be checking out the mountains soon after reading about it for sooooooo long!
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