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Everything posted by big-will

  1. Bet the flooded UK citizens will be happy to hear that.
  2. Dear Scotland: here are 76 things we'd like to apologise for, love England 1 Sorry for calling every last one of you "Jock". We now know it's offensive, especially if you're a woman. 2 So sorry for the years of heartless Conservative governments that you never voted for that ripped the heart out of the Scottish mining, steel and shipbuilding industries, butchered public services and imposed an unwonted, dismal neo-liberal ethos on a land to which such a callous political and economic philosophy was inimical. 3 And for making you guinea pigs for Margaret Thatcher's disastrous poll t
  3. The first line is pretty redundant isn't it. What happened to her anyway, haven't heard for ages?
  4. Are there no laws against people doing that?!
  5. When I last did it, I'm pretty sure I had to send stuff to Hong Kong.
  6. Question about this. What does the 'Nozawa Onsen' one actually have to do with Nozawa Onsen?
  7. Didn't the stats of last nights game show a huge amount of faffing about but nothing happening with it? Sure I read that earlier on this morning.
  8. How do you know that Winter Vacation? Do you have some evidence that the court didn't hear?
  9. Didn't you used to say 'mountain', not 'hill', Tubby?
  10. He also said this "I don't know what we have to do to win." Moyes said. Seems obvious he doesn't have a clue!
  11. Biggest source of neighbour disputes hey? Even though the neighbour would 'enjoy it' - even if they did not choose it - you're probably best up just planning for yourself like you say.. if you can afford that.
  12. That early dump aside, Hakuba doesn't seem particularly bottomless this season does it? OK, I'm running away now.
  13. Unfortunately, the sauce does not get delivered!
  14. I allow you 140,000 characters ippy. And that's just for the intro!
  15. You can just imagine him sitting down at night with the folders and analysing it all.
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