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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by powder_crazed

  1. cheers pow..u know where its at...!!! go back to your sheltered lifestyle "peeps"..!!!!!!!! and the rest of u p.c geeks who get 3 days in a season..i recomment you go practise on the slopes of SmiGGinS.. hell terrain for losers! me and powpow know what ur into "peeps"..taking it up da ass from eminEm..hahahaha suck it loser
  2. what fool would call himself daD..ur the looser.. i haVE A life, i ride the deepest snow around the world...suck shit!!! bet ur in an office!!! c.
  3. just wanted to know where niseko is located on the island of hokkaido...whenever i look at the snowmap forcast i am always guessing where niseko is... thanks peeps chris
  4. just wanted to know where MT TEINE is located in hokkaido.. thanks peeps chris
  5. pEopLE, have we for got what is importnat..people,including myself,go to japan for the cultural experience and they great snow that it can provide. i would rather have ride sweet pow pow all day ,have a nice dinner,then go to the onsen and sip on some of hokaido's finest berages. It is about the japanese lifestyle!!! thanks for listening chris
  6. 2.53 1/2 cm thanks to advanced CHeMisTrY class foR thAt..hehehe NiPoWkO mAn
  7. I have my sources, but also can smell it in the,evenif i am down in sydney..eheehehe my exams are finished and all i can think ABOUT IS KAPOW POW LATR MATE CHRIS
  8. SPy goggles are sweet, they have changebal lenses and look great c.
  9. SPy goggles are sweet, they have changebal lenses and look great c.
  10. bloody oath it id..i am soooo syced!!! just let it all fall..!!! i have agoo dfeeling it is not going to stop fallin from now on!! see ya'll in january in the deep c.
  11. anyone who hates pow is an uggggglllyyy bastard!!! god bless pow!! the PoPe...
  12. I would rather the freshies then a hangover!!!!! long live the freshies.... c.
  13. actually smart ass...i had a knee reco and am trying strengthen my leg ...so watch your F#$*King mouth.
  14. i am goin to cry,...this season needs to get started !!!!..i just hoep this isnt a dud season!!! To gods of pow, we hope that you will stumble home from the pub PuKe your guts out with powder!!!
  15. how much is weed and beer in niseko?...by the can and by the case? is there a weight gym in niseko? cheers chris
  16. hey kids, i m going to be niseko for one month and wanted to know about prices of general food and eating out..what is your best advice to a traveller on a budget... cheers chris
  17. i wasnt there last year...i am staying with the snowave crew from january5th for 1 powdery month. give us a shout and we'll thr9ough thr brewskies down!! easy chris
  18. g,day i will b in niseko from janaury 5th for 1 month..i am looking for people to hang out and ride with as well.. if anyone is going to be there at this time give us a buzz chris
  19. lets all hope this is the first of many dumps for the season to come!!!! let there be snow!!! c.
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