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Everything posted by Ocean11

  1. No, I'm not going to explain it for you. You're too lazy to find out for yourself. You've allowed yourself to get your knickers in a sweaty bunch because of Asian English naming practices. (Today I got a Christmas card from my local antique shop, Antiques Vulvora. I guess their antiques can't be any good). Oyuki, this site has all the info in a much more easily comprehensible format. People who don't have a clue could probably learn something too.
  2. Bluster away. It doesn't conceal the fact that you have no clue what you're on about.
  3. Actually I met the manufacturers at an environmental product trade show, saw the product demonstrated, heard the engineers explain how it works, listened to other engineers question them about it, checked reviews on the internet tubes, then finally concluded, well jeez, the price compares very favourably with the price of a few tanks of petrol, I'll happily fork over the money even for a trivial improvement. I don't seriously pontificate about things I know SFA about because it so frequently ends in embarrassment. Oh, and I'm sure one of the petrol heads on here will be happy to conf
  4. Probably best not to post advice about something you know SFA about.
  5. I've got one of them on my engine. It does take the fruity gasoline smell out of your exhaust after the engine has been running for a while.
  6. I've never surfed, but riding really deep powder feels a lot like what I imagine riding on water to be like (because that, to a large extent, is what it is). I definitely skid the board around my back foot then. But tidy carves on groomers need a fully centred stance. What should 'drive' the carve is downhill momentum. And Zen-like detachment.
  7. Quote: Originally posted by skidaisuki: Ocean11 - where was I criticizing anyone's manners? Quote: 6702 posts and you don't seem to have learned any manners. Had you perhaps forgotten already? You're talking there about/to somebody who has posted 47 km of worthwhile information about snow sports, while you feel free to post stuff that is not only ignorant and uninformed, it doesn't even pass the common sense test. It's not about manners, it's about information. I hope I won't have to mention this painful subject again.
  8. "sonzaikan wo okiku apiiru shimashita" How can the speaker possible infer that much about the motivation of the person in question?
  9. There's no point in telling some people about online dictionaries that they can use instead of lamely asking "What does ## mean?" (even though they start a thread about kanji). Some people are just too lazy to bookmark the dictionaries we post, and don't have the manners to contribute in any but the most lackadaisical fashion (and then turn around and pile on anybody who they think is 'disloyal to the forum' or some such drivel.) This is going to be a bit of a theme of mine for a while. Sorry if you don't like it.
  10. Remember to hold in your mind the image of the suspension of a BMW, Audi or Mercedes for the correct leg position. Citroen is also acceptable.
  11. > but that looks like a lack of control to me. Sheer ignorance. You've got a lot of reading and learning to do before you start criticizing other posters' manners.
  12. You're so cruel Creek Boy. But unfortunately not 牛飲馬食. Although the invitations come fast and furious, none of them are sincere, apparently. I was amazed that the 2nd choice of kanji was that imperial nipper's name. Are the Japanese people really that keen on this imperial folly, or is it just the type of person that submit 'this year's kanji'.
  13. What would yours be big-will? 無 perhaps?
  14. "I think you'll agree that..." "We can all agree that..."
  15. I wonder how many people think "I'll just fire up the SJ forums and see what insights and entertainment grungy-gonads and mina2 have posted this morning". I don't think I ever have. But I look forward to db's unbalanced and childish input. Personally, if I were running a site, I'd be uncomfortable with uncritical acceptance and would simply ignore it...
  16. That's a really bad choice of marketing term. First of all, it's so (off-puttingly) American. And I still don't really know what it means having looked it up, and I can't readily apply it to Japan either. Being in a 'downtown' doesn't sound like a major recommendation for outdoor sports either. And that "STILL" really begs the question "OK. Why?" Y'all can PM me for an estimate for proofing and assessment of your 'Hakuba Eldorado' copywriting efforts.
  17. Personally I find the fact that you simply have to eat more to get that big repugnant. There's something not quite right about eating more food to make yourself big. And we don't need to bring sumo into this. You can do sumo without being big, and there's also more to sumo than being big.
  18. > Electric cars are only a solution if the grid electricity comes from non-fossil fuel sources. In the long run yes, but not so now. If they soak up unused power from the grid, that power source replaces highly inefficient gasoline and its resultant emissions.
  19. If you have a Monster Head, I suggest you find a big helmet to protect it from painful impact with trees. Sorry, I couldn't help it.
  20. coldcat, I couldn't care less. When I'm carving, I hardly move at all. And the S tracks are the pudding wherein lies the proof. I can tell you don't believe me...
  21. Curt kicked things off with means of recovering from global warming so nuclear wouldn't count, strictly speaking. But I just read a suggestion on another forum today that building more fast reactors would be a good way of generating electricity and dealing with nuclear waste at the same time. But I don't know enough about that to comment. Apparently, in the US at least, there's already enough excess power generation to cover at least 84% of transport needs , if plug-in vehicles became the norm. The same probably applies elsewhere too. In Japan, there are at least two EVs scheduled for relea
  22. When I was a kid, one of the comics I read ran bogus ads for strap-on muscles. I asked my mum for the money to get a set. I thought I'd go for the big chest first. I felt utterly crushed when my mum told me it was a joke. That experience extinguished forever my urge to get bigger.
  23. You were doing quite well with the pursuasion there SG, until you lit into sumo.
  24. What's hard about it? You lean one way, then you lean the other way, and when you get back on the lift, you look down and there are S-bends all the way down the piste with just the slightest sign of slough at the outer edges. Nothing to it. I was never the greatest snowboarder by any means, but I just found carving easy, even if the conditions for it weren't always there.
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