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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Peetan

  1. What's going on is the city v Tottenham match?! More pens than a stationers!
  2. Does that mean I have to dye my hair purple again? I don't think that would look so good on me any more. Oh well, better go get to work cutting the sleeves off all my t-shirts. I hope it's not this, or I would have to go back to soiling myself without notice, speaking garbled language and hardly being able to stand. (No, not student night. )
  3. Selling their family? Didn't realise times were that hard for Burton et al.
  4. Oooh I'm on the warpath today. Ito yokado- advertising their new milk carton size as if it's a good thing. 900ml instead of a litre! Thank you! ...did I mention it's the same price as it was before? On. My. Fooking. List.
  5. Old man on the train next to me, sucking whatever he has in his mouth AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE. It's a 25 minute train ride. If you see something in the news about a gaijin being caged after a train incident, you'll know what happened
  6. Lady Peetan is sending me messages that she is cold at home. I wish that meant she wants me to warm her up ( ), but alas, probably just that she just wants to change to futon bedding over.
  7. What I meant by an earlier post was, who uploaded that video to the Internet? Surely it wasn't the kid who took the video himself? Surely he couldn't have been that stupid.. Right?? Admittedly the kid was off camera all the time, but those two will be hated figures for a while now, so whoever uploaded it had either no idea or absolutely every idea of what they were doing.
  8. Singapore, I believe. Felt, fisted, and nary a kiss nor phone number.
  9. Watching brasil v Japan, like a sucker. Why do I keep doing this to myself?
  10. Thing I want to know is, who the hell uploaded it in the first place?
  11. Snowdude, where'dya get your beets from? Managed so smuggle some piccalilli back on my last trip home, but by god your sandwich sounded Chou yummy.
  12. If Japan could ever score a goal they'd be dangerous. Also, thinking that they can win crosses against a team that towers over them in stature is naïve to say the least. Yet they keep trying. Bloody idiots.
  13. So I see. You, sir, are now on my "wise guy, eh" list. *grumblegrumble*
  14. Was playing with the idea of zao instead of nozawa this winter... Miiiight just stick with nozawa... Just to be sure...
  15. Ahhh ok. Wrong end <~~~~~stick~~~~~~~> ^^ This Is Where I am Though, to be fair, your reply could be easily interpreted to apply to both October and April situations.
  16. Where can you buy this ticket? From any JR. View travel shop in the JR train stations. Onsens aren't included in the price mind you Ask for the higaeri 日帰り deals.....that's the day return deals. They can't be bought yet though.....gotta wait until about halfway thru next month before the brochures come out Didn't I say that in a different thread and you (or someone) came out and said you can ask in the travel store already??
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