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Everything posted by pdoull

  1. Here too re: huge typhoon. Hope all are safe
  2. Caught a glimpse of a show on tv " Natural Companions" & they were utlilising a lot of natural remedies (new ideas tho) for animal problems with some amazing results. May be worth a look/ research, if you can get it on the net. How is he doing?
  3. So the daihatsu will be good at getting the cruiser out of a bog
  4. Is any one else worried that the story will have an end of sorts?
  5. Was just thinking if SJ would be doing NZ again and also if Goz was in Oz- doing Island Bend - both, I would like to do too but really keen on Island Bend. Will be waiting tho to see what happens re conditions Oz & NZ . & the other excuse at the mo is renovating our house - which can be a pita when it comes to going boarding. Still keen tho - really wanna check out Goz,s small split board- mate!
  6. Everyone seems to do it this way, think it worked this time - phew!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPkFT4jDcII&feature=player_detailpage
  8. Did someone say dogs can't talk? btw 1st attempt at posting video - fingers crossed it works
  9. I can feel your pain Chris. Hope your little mate gets better. Read Tuesday Titters for a laugh but I don't think it will help.
  10. There are a few jokes about the manufacturers name - they are a short bread biscuit tho, that I like dunking in the cuppa earl grey tea.
  11. The purple patch for snow fall at Niseko 2013 - 14 was mid Jan for about 2 weeks - an odd occurrence in that in it is usually more consistant ( by that I mean it snows a lot and all the time) ! But have been there when there has been heavy snow falls around xmas and new year. Ya never know what mother nature will serve up .
  12. Never had a deep fried mars bar but have heard of it. Was it cho yummy? Really enjoying Scotch Finger Biscuits with a cuppa tea at the mo.
  13. Thanks for that Metabo Oyaji. I had been looking forward to your report as I had been reading some older reviews on Appi the other day. Also some other spots in Niigita. You must have been very keen to check it out with a 6 hour drive - assuming it was a week end trip. And like the dog friendly - pension mutti.
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