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Pillar of the community

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Pillar of the community

  1. The most painless solution is to buy new stuff every year. I highly recommend it!
  2. Now that is just brilliant. What a fanstastic idea. Was playing about with it last night and doing all these deep searches into places, fascinating it is. Would be good if you could have snow depth data in there too if possible.
  3. ..... but not real snow Place up in Otaru, Hokkaido 北海道小樽市のスキー場「スノークルーズオーンズ」で11日、今シーズンの営業が始まり、訪れた客がスキーやスノーボードでの初滑りを楽しんだ。  この日の小樽市内は強い日差しが降り注ぎ、札幌管区気象台によると、同市の午前11時40分現在の気温は10・7度で、平年に比べ3・1度高い。札幌市南区、会社員寺岡敏男さん(56)は、「雪質が硬くて少し滑りにくかったが、天気がいいので最高です」と話していた。  同スキー場では10月4日から人工雪のゲレンデを造り始めたが、気温が高めで、コース幅は例年の半分ほど。11日は全6コースのうち、中級者向けの1コースだけが利用可能になった。
  4. Used to love Swatches had about 6 or 7. Recently though not really been wearing watches at all.
  5. Don't you just love town mascots? What's that, a potato? Most mascots seem to be either vegetables, fruits or animals hey.
  6. I question it's accuracy!! But I was 4,146,890,701st I bet the 666th was a bad dude.
  7. Thanks Metabo. Never seem to want to make things "easy to understand", do they?!
  8. Yes the typing box has appeared now! Thanks for such a quick response.
  9. Love the Forums. Possibly the best looking and clean/sexy I have seen. No ads!!? How do you do it? Anyway, I have a question. I can see the Chat Box but don't seem to be able to use it. Is there a switch for that or something? Thanks!
  10. Definitely taking ours. From what I can tell it's easy to lug around (or get it lugged for you) over there.
  11. Count me in! Not decided on exactly where yet but 4 of us have DECIDED to make the move and get to Japan this winter.
  12. Some people just come qcross as bitter with other's success stories. Congratulations, I say. Fascinating story is that of our unhappy feathered friends.
  13. Our government will no doubt give her more benefits amd invite her foreign relatives to enter the country. And give them benefits too. UK. Mugs of the world!
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