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About MummySkier

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 10+ posts
  1. Quote: A Japanese company has ordered all 2,700 of its employees to get identical hairstyles - to help save energy. Ordered? Then later on it says "encourage"? Which is it I wonder? Perhaps the latter...
  2. I'll be flying out of Japan a week on Monday for just under 4 weeks. Really looking forward to it, first time in a while.
  3. It's the place where Fuyu no Sonata was filmed!! OMG! OMG! OMG!
  4. Cranking up the heat this morning. Very sticky here too, not the most comfortable time of year that's for sure.
  5. I watched The Phantom of the Opera last night with a few friends who really like that. First time for me. After I got over the silliness of people singing things all the time, and indeed Gerard Butler singing, I actually really enjoyed it.
  6. Originally Posted By: Mamabear What is wrong with these guys. A. for doing it in the first place, and B. for not being man enough to accept being caught out right away. I don't think we will ever understand really, Mamabear.
  7. She has 1 year and a half for that 2012 date.
  8. When I see the police spending their time collecting money of Mr & Mrs Normal going slightly over the low speed limits and certainly not being in any way dangerous, I just wish they were spending their energy and time on getting bad guys and other more 'productive for society' things. If they are going to go out and get people for speeding, get the ones who are really speeding, not just anyone from that pool of 95% of people going over slightly over the limit.
  9. That's a lot Mamabear. The most I have done is about 14 and I still have nightmares about that. It actually went well but it wasn't something I would like to do often! I am used to cooking for 4 max. Good luck!
  10. Originally Posted By: pie-eater Dear God. Or whoever. Can you please give Japan a break? Like, now. Cheers. pie-eater Absolutely.
  11. I really feel for all you guys going through this. Luckily I have been away. Do take care and try to think positive thoughts.
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