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Chips & Beer

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Chips & Beer

  1. Isn't Rooney top scorer in the PL? Seem to remember them getting 2 other goals and isn't the stat something like 20 goals in the last 4 home games without conceeding. Jaffas indeed.
  2. Cheap stat. Own goals are for the most part earned. The ones in that game were for sure.
  3. Quote: (by people with business interests mainly) That point is interesting. There are more people with business interests now and more each year. One of my friends is one of them. Funny how his view on things has changed. Before he was quite happy to mouth off on what he didn't like. But now his 'interests' are always there and he is very defensive of things, to the point where he will deny and just try to shut up anyone who says otherwise. Better to keep the bad things quiet. He is still my friend but I would go as far as calling him a complete hypocrite. Kudos to people li
  4. Went to Alts last year. Really enjoyed it good place. The park area is big, obviously a big draw there were a lot of people in there. Worth a visit I'd say.
  5. Brings back memories that was the first skijo I went to. Sad to hear it going downhill, so to speak!
  6. Skated and surfed when I was younger but wasn't near the snow. Took up skiing when I first visited Japan 14 years ago.
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