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Everything posted by mikelowry

  1. Not sure on your links policy. Sorry if I'm being naughty. The link below is the article suggesting this year will be an El Nino year. http://www.bom.gov.au/announcements/media_releases/ho/20090603.shtml
  2. Gday all, Word is this year may be an El Nino year? Anyone out there know how this impacts / has impacted historically on the snow in our beloved Japan?
  3. Actually, I did think of something i'd like. A vending machine in the summit hut.
  4. I'm with Ger. Just get as much new terrain open and available as possible. The town, and some of the minor logistical challenges it presents, is part of the charm.
  5. Righto. Just sort out this crappy exchange rate and we'll all be back for the guaranteed bumper 09/10 season!
  6. Matt, I've got a recommendation for ya. I'm a good catholic fella but decided to visit Meiji Shrine in Tokyo. Read the instructions on how to offer up a prayer to the appropriate deity and asked him/her to look after the wellbeing of myself and my 6 mates in Niseko. Absolutely hammered the off piste trees and the terrain park with many 'out of control' moments for 10 days straight and not one of us was even remotely injured. Can't hurt hey?
  7. Yes. Vicious bloody cycle. One gets taken so a drunk fool takes another one and so on and on.
  8. Great time as always. A few sensational turns of the Peak and out of bounds in Niseko. Very 'variable' weather - one day snowy, next day sunny, next day super foggy, icy then super snowy again. Only downside other then expenses is of 7 of us, 3 of us got our jackets flogged from pubs.
  9. Just back. Had a great trip but was a bit of downer paying twice and a bit compared to last years rates for everything. $12 beers and $12 red bulls on the mountain just got a bit too rich. As someone else said, Canada ( or Russia! ) is looking good for next year.
  10. Do you use left handed spanners on the left ski and right handed ones on the right?
  11. Heads up! If you're living in Honshu, bust out your raincoat early next week. If you're living near Niseko, bust out your snorkel!
  12. Whistler gondola collapse! Lucky it wasn't the P2P. http://www.financialpost.com/most_popular/story.html?id=1083212
  13. In order to quell my rising excitement about January powder in Niseko, I've decided a surf trip is in order. Margaret River this Thurs/Friday/Sat/Sun should do the trick! Hope I get good waves and you all get good snow!
  14. Gday all, My two cents. In my real life I run a property development company in Aus. Obviously after my first trip to Niseko a few years back, I developed a few grand plans of my own in relation to staking my claim in powderdise. What stopped me? That in reflection it was the interaction with the people at the pension I stayed at - not just the wonderful hosts, but the international guests and the whole spirit of the place, that made the trip so memorable. Even if I did have to shower with my mates hairy bum next to mine! The whole quality of the experience would have been missed if I'd
  15. Training is essential. I've been down at the local park running into trees. If my past experience is anything to go by I'm guaranteed to run into at least one or two trees in the course of a week in the off piste in Niseko and Rusutsu!
  16. Hi All, Last year in Niseko I boarded off the back side of the Peak, all the way down to Goshiki Onsen with some friends who were pretty familiar with the Annupuri backcountry. We got fresh tracks after 2 days of no snow! I'm keen to get down there again this trip, but without the guys I went with last time, am hesitant to head that far out without a guide or someone familiar with the terrain. Can anyone offer any recommendations?
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